Naomi Wachs | USA

2015/2016 Fellow The BUKA fellowship was a life-changing opportunity for me both personally and professionally and one of the most impactful and influential times of my life. I was able to learn more about my field of work and clarify my professional goals, as well as form ongoing connections and relationships in Germany. It expanded …

Joanna Gubman | USA

2011/2012 Fellow | BSW-Solar (Germany Solar Industry Association) | Berlin My BUKA fellowship was life-changing for me, and it has paid dividends beyond my own personal experience too. During my 2011-2012 fellowship hosted by BSW-Solar (the German Solar Industry Association), I had the honor of presenting on my work at the international Greenbuild conference, put …

Christopher Moore | USA

2013/2014 Fellow | The Ecologic Institute | Berlin The BUKA transformed my career and built a lifetime connection between my family and Germany. Through the network, it led directly to my current position at the California Public Utilities Commission, a lead agency for climate policy. The expertise and understanding I acquired during my BUKA year …

Heidi Obermeyer | USA

2017/2018 Fellow | German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP e.V.) | Berlin I am perhaps the most predictable possible participant in the BUKA program- an American working on foreign policy with German roots- and yet it was still an expansive learning experience. My BUKA year was incredibly professionally enriching, but it also gave me the …

Tali Padan | USA

2008/2009 Fellow | Alice Salomon University of Applied Science | Berlin The project that I worked on during my time as a BUKA fellow involved a conflict management curriculum to promote intercultural awareness. Since then, I moved to Denmark and have developed this initiative by starting an organization called Mellem Education. Mellem Education offers workshops …

Erin Taylor | USA

2005/2006 Fellow | KAS, SWP and FE | Berlin Eighteen years after my BUKA year, I still think about my fellowship year almost every month — my research, the people I met, and the things I learned. Professionally, being a German Chancellor Scholar was a recognition that helped me get positions at the British Consulate …

Wyatt Gordon | USA

2017/2018 Fellow | Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin | Berlin I applied for BUKA after a number of years working in state and local government that was beginning to leave me jaded. I knew there had to be a better way of governing that focused more on how to solve people’s daily problems. The BUKA allowed me …

Yasmin Bowers | USA

2013/2014 Fellow | Econcept | Berlin The BUKA fellowship was truly life-changing, full of growth, perspective, and challenges. My fellowship focused on social enterprise as a way to raise awareness on community, health, and environment. I was supported by a host that encouraged me to challenge myself and even worked with a glass jewelry maker …

Terence Renaud | USA

2012/2013 Fellow | Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung | Potsdam The Bundeskanzler Stipendium provided me much needed financial and institutional support for my PhD research in Germany. I was able to build my professional network through my host institute (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung—Potsdam) and conduct field work at German historical archives. Without this fellowship, I would …

Piper Foster Wilder | USA

2009/2010 Fellow | Ecologic Institute | Berlin Heimat: Upon arrival to Germany to begin what would become the single-most life-changing event of my experience, I felt what I didn’t yet have the German word to describe: Heimat. An indescribable essence of home, comfort and belonging. During the course of two years of research, travel, community-building, …