Joanna Gubman | USA

2011/2012 Fellow | BSW-Solar (Germany Solar Industry Association) | Berlin My BUKA fellowship was life-changing for me, and it has paid dividends beyond my own personal experience too. During my 2011-2012 fellowship hosted by BSW-Solar (the German Solar Industry Association), I had the honor of presenting on my work at the international Greenbuild conference, put …

Christopher Moore | USA

2013/2014 Fellow | The Ecologic Institute | Berlin The BUKA transformed my career and built a lifetime connection between my family and Germany. Through the network, it led directly to my current position at the California Public Utilities Commission, a lead agency for climate policy. The expertise and understanding I acquired during my BUKA year …

Yasmin Bowers | USA

2013/2014 Fellow | Econcept | Berlin The BUKA fellowship was truly life-changing, full of growth, perspective, and challenges. My fellowship focused on social enterprise as a way to raise awareness on community, health, and environment. I was supported by a host that encouraged me to challenge myself and even worked with a glass jewelry maker …

Piper Foster Wilder | USA

2009/2010 Fellow | Ecologic Institute | Berlin Heimat: Upon arrival to Germany to begin what would become the single-most life-changing event of my experience, I felt what I didn’t yet have the German word to describe: Heimat. An indescribable essence of home, comfort and belonging. During the course of two years of research, travel, community-building, …

Rajat Rai Handa | India

2019/2020 | BlackForest Solutions | Berlin The German Chancellor Fellowship quite literally saved my life during a very difficult time and provided me an opportunity to not only expand my career, but also make the most valuable professional and personal connections that have in turn enabled me to do a lot of good work in …