Rafael Gontijo | Brazil

2018/2019 Fellow | University of Munich (LMU-Munich) | Munich The German Chancellor Fellowship is a leadership programme that allowed me to establish relevant professional contacts in the fields of international relations and political science.

Heidi Obermeyer | USA

2017/2018 Fellow | German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP e.V.) | Berlin I am perhaps the most predictable possible participant in the BUKA program- an American working on foreign policy with German roots- and yet it was still an expansive learning experience. My BUKA year was incredibly professionally enriching, but it also gave me the …

Erin Taylor | USA

2005/2006 Fellow | KAS, SWP and FE | Berlin Eighteen years after my BUKA year, I still think about my fellowship year almost every month — my research, the people I met, and the things I learned. Professionally, being a German Chancellor Scholar was a recognition that helped me get positions at the British Consulate …

Wyatt Gordon | USA

2017/2018 Fellow | Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin | Berlin I applied for BUKA after a number of years working in state and local government that was beginning to leave me jaded. I knew there had to be a better way of governing that focused more on how to solve people’s daily problems. The BUKA allowed me …

Luisa Feiten Bonin | Brazil

2021/2022 Fellow | Maecenata Foundation | Berlin The existence of the German Chancellor Fellowship enabled me to transform over a decade of experience in the third sector in Brazil into profound knowledge about the best listening practices for foundations and funders, aiming to foster enhanced connections in the social impact sector. As a Visiting Researcher …

Alice de Moraes Amorim Vogas | Brazil

2020/2021 Fellow | Office of MdB Lisa Badum (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), German Bundestag | Berlin The fellowship was very important for me to enable my professional development as a global climate politics expert and not a Brazilian expert only. Based on the relationships I developed because of the fellowship itself and due to opportunities that …

Aditi Haruray | India

2020/2021 Fellow | Juristische Fakultät, Universität Augsburg | Augsburg, Bavaria I am sincerely thankful for the German Chancellor Fellowship, it has led to several remarkable opportunities in my and my fellows’ academic and professional career, provided a unique platform to scientific researchers such as myself and from across the globe to collaborate on knowledge and …