Nathalia Sautchuk Patricio | Brazil

2020/2021 Fellow | Centre for Global Cooperation Research – University of Duisburg-Essen | Duisburg I am a German Chancellor Fellow from the 2020/2021 cohort and this fellowship gave me the opportunity to develop my own research in the area of Internet governance, which is an area that requires intense international cooperation. I was able to …

Rafael Gontijo | Brazil

2018/2019 Fellow | University of Munich (LMU-Munich) | Munich The German Chancellor Fellowship is a leadership programme that allowed me to establish relevant professional contacts in the fields of international relations and political science.

Ramon Luz | Brazil

2017/2018 Fellow | Zeitpfeil | Berlin I come from a financially disregarded family in the countryside of Brazil, and the German Chancellor Fellowship gave me the opportunity to compete on a plain field with high-level professionals on an international stage. It literally changed my life by taking me from local journalism in the Brazilian countryside …

Ricardo Beck | Brazil

2017/2018 Fellow | Permakultur Akademie | Berlin Being a BUKA was the leap in quality that I needed for my professional development. I come from a lower-middle class family in Brazil and dedicated myself to environmental projects, since I am driven by the cause. Being BUKA allowed me to lift my head, to look at …

Elizabeth Ponte de Freitas | Brazil

2018/2019 Fellow | KMM Institut für Kultur- und Medienmanagement/ Hochschule für Musik und Theater | Hamburg Participating in the German Chancellor Fellowship program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation between 2018 and 2019 was a milestone in my professional and personal journey. It is very rare in the field of cultural management to find professional …

Luisa Feiten Bonin | Brazil

2021/2022 Fellow | Maecenata Foundation | Berlin The existence of the German Chancellor Fellowship enabled me to transform over a decade of experience in the third sector in Brazil into profound knowledge about the best listening practices for foundations and funders, aiming to foster enhanced connections in the social impact sector. As a Visiting Researcher …

Bruna Romano Pretzel | Brazil

2017/2018 Fellow | Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten e. V. | Berlin I was awarded the German Chancellor Fellowship in 2017, at a turning point in my career, having accumulated some years of research and leadership experience in the field of legal education in São Paulo, Brazil. Over those years, as threats to democracy in Brazil and …

Alice de Moraes Amorim Vogas | Brazil

2020/2021 Fellow | Office of MdB Lisa Badum (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), German Bundestag | Berlin The fellowship was very important for me to enable my professional development as a global climate politics expert and not a Brazilian expert only. Based on the relationships I developed because of the fellowship itself and due to opportunities that …

Caroline Menezes | Brazil

2015/2016 Fellow | ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien | Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg During my fellowship, I embarked on a transformative one-year project “Virtual Bridge: Connecting Art and Technology between Brazil and Germany” at ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien) in Karlsruhe, Germany. Established in 1989 as a contemporary art museum, ZKM has evolved into …