Wyatt Gordon | USA

2017/2018 Fellow | Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin | Berlin I applied for BUKA after a number of years working in state and local government that was beginning to leave me jaded. I knew there had to be a better way of governing that focused more on how to solve people’s daily problems. The BUKA allowed me …

Evgenia Nedosekina | Russia

2020/2021 Fellow | Ableton AG | Berlin The German Chancellor Fellowship was a life-changing moment for me. As a curator of cultural events and a music artist myself, I had the opportunity to explore the music scene of one of the most vibrant cities in the world – Berlin. Researching such topics as representation, diversity, …

Yasmin Bowers | USA

2013/2014 Fellow | Econcept | Berlin The BUKA fellowship was truly life-changing, full of growth, perspective, and challenges. My fellowship focused on social enterprise as a way to raise awareness on community, health, and environment. I was supported by a host that encouraged me to challenge myself and even worked with a glass jewelry maker …

Terence Renaud | USA

2012/2013 Fellow | Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung | Potsdam The Bundeskanzler Stipendium provided me much needed financial and institutional support for my PhD research in Germany. I was able to build my professional network through my host institute (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung—Potsdam) and conduct field work at German historical archives. Without this fellowship, I would …

Piper Foster Wilder | USA

2009/2010 Fellow | Ecologic Institute | Berlin Heimat: Upon arrival to Germany to begin what would become the single-most life-changing event of my experience, I felt what I didn’t yet have the German word to describe: Heimat. An indescribable essence of home, comfort and belonging. During the course of two years of research, travel, community-building, …

Rajat Rai Handa | India

2019/2020 | BlackForest Solutions | Berlin The German Chancellor Fellowship quite literally saved my life during a very difficult time and provided me an opportunity to not only expand my career, but also make the most valuable professional and personal connections that have in turn enabled me to do a lot of good work in …

Tingting Fan | China

2017/2018 Fellow | University of Goettingen | Goettingen, Lower Saxony The German Chancellor’s Scholarship has been a transformative experience for me as a young person. It provided me with a unique opportunity to broaden my horizons significantly and connect with promising individuals from around the world. Regardless of our diverse backgrounds in terms of language, …

Ramon Luz | Brazil

2017/2018 Fellow | Zeitpfeil | Berlin I come from a financially disregarded family in the countryside of Brazil, and the German Chancellor Fellowship gave me the opportunity to compete on a plain field with high-level professionals on an international stage. It literally changed my life by taking me from local journalism in the Brazilian countryside …

Ricardo Beck | Brazil

2017/2018 Fellow | Permakultur Akademie | Berlin Being a BUKA was the leap in quality that I needed for my professional development. I come from a lower-middle class family in Brazil and dedicated myself to environmental projects, since I am driven by the cause. Being BUKA allowed me to lift my head, to look at …