2009/2010 Fellow | Ecologic Institute | Berlin
Heimat: Upon arrival to Germany to begin what would become the single-most life-changing event of my experience, I felt what I didn’t yet have the German word to describe: Heimat. An indescribable essence of home, comfort and belonging. During the course of two years of research, travel, community-building, church attendance, falling in love, building friendship, and becoming in deep awe of German culture and history, I became a loud advocate and endorser of all that it is to be German. Prior to the BUKA fellowship, I had many misunderstandings about German culture (sadly winnowed to a single brief period of National Socialism) but left with awe for German innovation, community, inclusion, engineering, advancement, and the language.
Today, German activities remain a rich part of my life, including sending my kindergartener to the local German immersion school such that she may gain lifelong access to the concept, rich philosophical history, and immense contribution of Germans to modern world.
Had the BUKA not been available, I never would have broadened to become the person I am today.