Aditi Haruray | India

2020/2021 Fellow | Juristische Fakultät, Universität Augsburg | Augsburg, Bavaria

I am sincerely thankful for the German Chancellor Fellowship, it has led to several remarkable opportunities in my and my fellows’ academic and professional career, provided a unique platform to scientific researchers such as myself and from across the globe to collaborate on knowledge and research topics. This collaboration has contributed to not just strengthening international relationships with Germany but also to the German economy. It holds a prestigious place in India (and internationally) and is considered as a significant milestone in furthering Indo-German scientific exchange and foreign relations. I am willing to support the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in keeping the German Chancellor Fellowship afloat however I can in my capacity, however, shutting doors to such a significant and tested methodology to further international scientific exchange will only lead to losing out on great thinkers and leaders of the future who can certainly contribute to the German economy.

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